Supply Chain Collaboration


Supplier Collaboration b/w Manufacturer and its nth Tier Supplier.

RealCollab enables collaboration in the real sense and provides OEMs with a 'single source of truth’. Moving away from a traditional linear workflow RealCollab enables multi-level collaboration that too in real-time by leveraging Blockchain, AI/ML to provide actionable insights for running an efficient supply chain network

  • Multi-Tier Supplier Collaboration
  • Predictive / Prescriptive Alerting
  • Scalable Data Architecture
  • Automate and Track Resolution and Actions Taken
  • Self-Tuning Autonomous Supply Chain
  • Impact Analysis and Prioritization
  • Proactive Problem Solving and Resolutions

Qualifying Questions

  • Do you feel having visibility to your sub-tier supplier network will help improve your production efficiency?
  • Do you get timely alerts and information with regard to any deviations to the original procurement planning?
  • Do you feel your teams are always monitoring & following up with suppliers leading to unproductive use of their time?
  • Are you able to track the origin of the product / part readily when the need arrives?
  • Does your actual spend on supplies end up more than the original budgets due to unpredictability?


  • Challenge 1: Bullwhip effect – Lack of a unified view due to data silos impacts strategic planning at inventory & production level, leading to disruptions downstream and customer dissatisfaction.
  • Challenge 2: Friction – Unavailability of ready data to identify and rectify faulty products and mismatches leading to friction in the supplier relationship.

How Do Customers Benefit?

    The Core Benefits to customer includes Revenue Impact, Cost Impact and service level impact:
  • Revenue Impact: 10-15% improvement in customer order fulfilment and 20-30% reduction in plant stoppages due to sudden shortages of critical supplier parts- by providing better visibility.
  • Cost Impact: 15% reduction in inventory cost and -20% reduction in logistics cost and premium freight bill for contingent parts.
  • Service Level Impact: Over 50% improvement in time to react and respond to the disruptions by creating visibility, simulations, conducting risk assessment and mitigation across all tier suppliers.